As a tarot reader, I am interested in the incredible variety of decks. Here's one new to me; the Shakespearean Tarot:
Shakespearean-EC: The Shakespearian Tarot by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki; Illustrated by Paul Hardy Review by Eileen Croutch The author has undertaken to find passages and images from the complete works of William Shakespeare to make a tarot deck. The author mentions The Servants of the Light Tarot often and so this leads me to believe the Shakespearian Tarot is a variation of the aforementioned deck. This deck is certainly no Rider-Waite clone. This deck comes with a book that describes the plays mentioned, interesting information about the plays, an upright meaning and a reversed meaning. There is no box for the deck once you break the cellophane and there is no little white book (LWB). Not that you need it with the large book. (tarot